SYTGE Outreach Ministry
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S Y T G E Outreach is now serving school age children with our Heaven Sent after school food insecure program.
If your child receives free or reduced lunch at school. They qualify to receive a food package every Friday after school. They will also receive a food package during the week of winter break and spring break, while school is out. Which will also include breakfast items for the next morning. Your child will Love receiving a food package from S Y T G E Outreach.
We know the problem of after school nutrition runs wider than just our small community. A recent survey revealed that 40% of the students in a 250 mile radius go home to an empty dinner table. Scientific research shows that this lack of provision not only negatively impacts physical development, but also emotional and educational health.
When a child receives a food package from S Y T G E that child is not only being given a meal, he or she is given an opportunity to be nourished; to feel safe and to focus on academics. Let's make this program a success!
Please fill out the registration form below.

